Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Come Inside

This blog is a photographic tour of our home so far, and mainly for the benefit of Mum and Cathy who need to be able to visualise where I am in order to feel at ease. Soory if it is boring for others, but the Sanderson girls need their images. The lounge room is Our little dining room (but I love it!) Notice the Cait Wait art work, so I can always see the beautiful country of Central Australia, the Western Macs and Mount Sonder. This is the other end of the kitchen. You can go out to the garage, or left and down the stairs to the basement. Kelly put up a clothes line for me. I'm taking Aunty Glen's advice and trying to get otehrs enthused about leaving the clothes dryers off, but there's not much success. Some are allergic to the pollens etc and most people find their clothes too scratchy when they are line dried. I'm going to try putting dryer sheets in the wash, because you can't get fabric softener for washing machines here. I think the convenience of throwing clothes into the adjacent machine is also a comfortable habit. The garden. Kelly turned the horse shoe pit into a vegie garden. You can see the corn and tomatoes here. The lovely long summer days make a great growing season. Yum! The grass is getting some extra help too. Kelly has set up a compost bin and made use of the abundant poo courtesy of the many local horse enthusiasts. 

1 comment:

the Campfollower said...

HI Glenda! Your blog looks great. And so does your home. I am happy you see your wonderful painting up behind the sofa. Dee told me about your blog at one of Bradshaw's Ladies night out. We miss you.
