Sunday, February 3, 2008

Leaving Alice – Day 1

After what seemed an endless time of cleaning, packing, selling, giving away stuff and did I mention cleaning? we finally left Alice on Wednesday the 30th of January, also known as Glenda’s birthday. Mum says that I was lucky to be heading north so I didn’t have to drive through the Gap for the last time. I reckon she’s right. As my kids were heading to ASHS for their first day of the school year, Kelly and I were charging up the north Stuart Highway. The lovely, long, uneventful road was soothing for the sorrows of leaving my home country after 24 years. I always love watching the changes from rocky orange desert to bush scrub, grassland, good cattle country and eventually the sub tropics. After brief petrol stops at Wycliffe Well and Elliot, we got to Katherine at 6ish and headed out to the Springvale Homestead for the evening.

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